Dienstag, 18. November 2014

Test - Letter Home

Dear Mom,
The street where this Charakter has to life.
it has been three month since I left Germany. I write this letter in another language because we have to… The officials are making us speak just in English but it´s fine, with working factory and meeting other people this part of the integration is getting better and better. I had some problems with starting here but there was a nice guy who helped me a lot with nearly everything like food, a room where I can sleep and in many ways also with the language.
Yesterday was Sunday again and you need to know that I spend my free time almost always with exploring my new home – New York, but I more and more I think I immigrate to fast because just yesterday I walked through another Neighborhood. You can´t imagine how many Germans I saw that day an all of them spoke in German… It was a feeling of being back in Germany because it looked just like it and the smell of the bread was exactly the same. Of course it was clean… at least compared to other neighborhoods I saw.
I still have not so many friends but every Saturday evening I go into a salon to drink on day off with the entire group of worker from the factory. And when they talk about what they want to do the next day I sometimes think I´m doing the wrong thing, but I first want to know where I life before I start celebrating. I heard from so many nice places in this city: central park – a big nearly natural park in the center of this town; Coney Island – a huge amusement park. And so on I still have a lot to see and I don´t think I will ever discover all the places here.

PS: don´t tell dad, because elsewhere he will get a heart attack: I am still not sure whether it was a good Idea to come or not because every day I fear about my life. There are people in this town who are completely against immigrants. Some of them are that radical they would kill me if there wouldn´t be police men on every corner of the street. But that’s ok I think this a minority and they will lose their power very soon. 
Kind Regards

You’re Son

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